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Kata Kata Caption Keren Bahasa Inggris – Hei everyone, welcome to howie channel. We’re glad to your arrival. -Lah pembukaannya kok beda ya? Hehe, iya dong kan kita sekarang sedang membahas sesuatu yang berbeda. Sekarang ini kita akan membahas mengenai kata kata caption keren bahasa inggris.

Tentunya kalian yang pengen lebih kece dan kekinian pasti ingin tampil dan terlihat lebih “smart” juga gaul. Salah satunya dengan update status atau memberi caption platform media social kalian dalam bahasa inggris. Nah, untuk sobat yang tujuannya ternyata sama dengan apa yang Howie ingin sampaikan, pas banget nih kalian masuk sini.

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Mungkin di bawah ini ada banyak sekali caption instagram bahasa inggris. Kalian bisa pilih mana quotes terbaik syang menurut kalian paling hits serta pas menurut hati kalian untuk dijadikan status fb, ig, twitter, bahkan pinterest. Biasanya quotes bijak dalam bahasa inggris ini diucapkan atau dilahirkan dari orang terkenal yang mana sering untuk memberikan motivasi kepada pelajar. Kata kata mutiara tentang pendidikan tentunya cukup penting untuk memotivasi para pelajar yang masih berada dalam bangku sekolah.

Nah tidak perlu menunggu lama! Berikut ini kata kata bijak dalam bahasa inggris yang keren dan bisa kalian jadikan motivasi hidup untuk melangkah lebih maju lagi. Semoga kalian semua setelah membacanya tidak menjadi bingung dalam pencarian lagi. Tayo!…

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Caption Keren Bahasa Inggris

Caption Keren Bhs Inggris

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The best thing i ever did was believe in me.


Just because you took longer than others, doesnt mean you failed.


If you dont fight for what you want. Dont cry for what you lost.


Use the pain in your past as FUEL. Fuel that will drive you straight to a better future.


Lamborghini dont have commercials because the people who can afford them arent sitting around watching TV.


Dont let the small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.


Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. It’s called integrity.

Haters will see you walk on water and say its because you can swim.


I act poor. You look rich. We’re both liars.


What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.


When a child is learning how to walk and falls down 50 times, they never think to themselves, “Maybe this isn’t for me.”


If you ever feel you are avoided by someone, just block them.


Your struggle is the part of your story.


The smile on my face doesnt mean my life is perfect. It means I appreciate what I have.


If you are bad, then I’m your dad.


Never let your age keep you from looking your best.


If you are begin to smile when you reveive a text. Delete that number.


My father used to say “Dont raise your voice, improve your argument.”


And the worst lie start with, trust me I am not like others.

Baca juga : Caption Ig Inggris Instagram Lucu Keren Romantis Singkat Kekinian

Caption Bahasa Inggris Simple Cool

Caption Bahasa Inggris Simple Cool

Nobody cares about your story until you win, so win!


Maturity is when you realize that New Year things wont change your life.


Better an oops, than a what if.


Real growth is when you start checking and correcting yourself.


A wolf lives his life by his own rules.


It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.


Act like you trust people, but do like you dont


My determination sets me apart from the rest.


Dont raise your voice. Improve your argument.


If you cant buy it twice, you cant afford it.


Chase her and she will reject you. Chas your goal and you will reject her.


Motivation gets your started. Habits keeps you going.


5am of workout is always better than 2am of conversation.


King isn’t born. He is made.


Sometimes you must spend time alone. Remember goals are personal.


I’ll see you on the other side of the starts.


Focus. Otherwise you will find life becomes a blur.


Problem is not you text them first. Problem is WHY you always text them first.


He remembered who he was and the game changed.

Caption Bahasa Inggris Bijak

Caption Bahasa Inggris Bijak

I dont treat people badly, I treat them accordingly.


When a flower doesnt bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows. Not the flowers.


Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.


When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.


Be alone, that is the secret of invention. Be alone, that is when ideas are born.


Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind.


Children must be taught how to think, NOT what to think


Pain makes you stronger.
Teards make you braver.
Hearthbreaks make you wiser.
So thank the past for a better future.


Learn to sit back and observe, not everything needs a reaction.

Sit with winners, the conversation is different.


Be patient. Empires are not built in a day.


One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm.


How she treats you, is how she feels about you.


Brothers are what best friends can never be.


Being single is an another level of success.


If your ego speaks then my attitude replies.


Every body has a private world where they can be alone…

Caption Bahasa Inggris Pendek

Caption Bahasa Inggris Pendek

If you dont do stupid things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to laugh about when you’re old.


To acquire knowledge, one must study; But to acquire wisdom, one must observe.


80% of Billionaires dont have college degree.


Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.


At age 25, others want to get married and have kids. But I want my parents in the backseat of my Audi.

Caption Bahasa Inggris Gaul

Caption Bahasa Inggris Gaul

When your heart breaks, your brain starts working.


Criticize me when you are at my level, until then you can just admire.


Mr Bean taught me on thing in life. Enjoy your own company instead of expection someone else to make you happy.


You learn nothing form life if you think you’re right all the time.

Caption Bahasa Inggris untuk Sahabat

Caption Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sahabat

Sahabat adalah seseorang yang mau menunjukkan di mana letak kesalahanku, bukan seseorang yang membicarakanku di belakang dan membiarkanku tetap dengan kesalahan yang ku buat tanpa tahu apa yang salah.

Sahabat itu bukan seseorang yang selalu hadir dimanapun kau berada. Sahabat itu adalah seseorang yang tau menempatkan dirinya. Ia selalu menyediakan telinganya untuk mendengar semua keluh kesahmu, merelakan pundaknya sebagai sandaran saat kau tergugu dalam isak tangis. Dan ia adalah orang pertama yang ikut merasakan kebahagian saat melihat ataupun mendengar kebahagianmu. Walau kadang kau lupa berbagi kebahagian dengannya.

Sahabat adalah seseorang yang menegurku manakala aku julid kepada orang lain..

Sahabat adalah seseorang yang tidak membiarkanku menghabiskan waktu dengan sia-sia untuk sekedar chit chat tanpa makna..

Sahabat adalah yang seseorang tidak pernah berbicara kasar dan mempengaruhiku untuk ikut bicara kasar..

Sahabat adalah seseorang yang ingin aku menjadi lebih baik..

Sahabat adalah seseorang yang membuatku berpikir positif dan tidak berprasangka buruk..

Namun, yang pasti Sahabat adalah manusia biasa yang tak lepas dari salah dan lupa..

“Sahabat adalah” oleh Ezra Feroza Dwi Antono dan “Makna Seorang Teman, Kawan dan Sahabat” oleh Dizaz

Maka, Sahabat yang baik adalah teman yang mau berbesar hati meminta maaf jika salah, dan memaafkan kesalahan Sahabat yang berbuat salah. Oleh karena itu, tentunya sobat Howie bisa memberikan apresiasi kepada mereka dengan memasang caption bahasa inggris untuk sahabat masing – masing ya. Check this out :

Trust me. I will remember who stuck by my side.


I dont care how beautiful you are, if your personality is ugly, you’re ugly.


Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.


Real friends talk shit to your face. and say nice things behind your back.


My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.


You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me, and I love you.


I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.


Real Friends don’t get offended when you insult them. They smile and call something even more offensive.


Making memories with you is my favorite thing to do.


Friendship is finding that special someone you can enjoy being a dumbass with.


Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.


A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.


It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but it’s your best friends who are your diamonds.


Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

Caption Bahasa Inggris Dalam Hubungan

20190210 - Caption Bahasa Inggris Dalam Hubungan

Hey! You know I love you right?
Words cant bring me down.
Time will wound all heals.
You make me smile.
Love doesnt hurt. Memory does.
It’s never too late to start again.
I don’t want a perfect life. I want a happy life.
Maybe it’s not forever.
I want someone who feels lucky to have me.
Dont let your dreams, be just dreams.
You’ve changed my world.
You’re very important to me.
Which is better : being single or in relationship.
You only live one. But if you do it right, once is enough.
I want to go far away.
The hope is to risk pain.
Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.
Yes. I’m smilling but deep down I’m crying.
Everything is going to be allright. Maybe not today, but soon.
You can never replace anyone. What is lost is lost.
Think of my laughter.
Thanks for short story.
Sometimes silence is a really good answer.
Are you really serious about me?
Sometimes I wish I never met you.
Dont be someone’s “sometimes”.


You’re my sunshine.

Let’s say we’re not okay. No one cares.
I’m still failing for you everyday.
I’m so lucky to have you.
Your smile is my pleasure.
You hurt me, but I still love you.
And suddenly, we were strangers again.
Let bygones be bygones.
I dont know what I want to talk about, but I want to talk to you.

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